Friday, November 14, 2008

The RSS Affair and Daily Lit - Thang No.9

Daily Lit was a joy to use - easy to search for books. I decided to receive RSS installments of Jane Eyre, Bronte's classic novel that I have never read. I liked being able to choose how often my RSS was delivered and bopped around in Daily Lit's book forum, where nothing recent was being discussed. My plan is to read Jane Eyre on RSS and then read the Eyre Affair again. Only 261 RSS Bronte feeds to go!

Then I wondered - is fan fiction alive for the classics? We all know about Harry Potter fan love and Sherlock Holmes homages, but is there a Eyre world beyond Jasper Fforde? Back to the Technorati searches. My survey found luscious fan fiction for Jane Austen (no Bronte so far). But there is [drum roll] a new graphic novel version of Jane Eyre. Will it help struggling readers learn the classics or is it a "dumbing down" of a masterpiece? Genteel bloggers want to know.

It's positively reviewed on the Other Stories blog - and here's a sneak peek.
Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel


Unknown said...

OMG - Jane Eyre the graphic novel. How can something so wrong feel so right?

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind words about DailyLit. Hope you enjoy Jane Eyre (it's one of my favorite books and a great one to re-read on DailyLit).

Maggie Hilliard