Saturday, November 29, 2008

Goodreadin' - Thang No. 11

Goodreads is one of my favorite library 2.0 tools. I first chronicled all my children's books before my slipshod memory lost them. Then I added reader's advisory Goodreads shelves for YA lit, comedy & satire, art and more. My Goodreads holds almost 700 books (this includes a list of 100 to-reads, which is growing by the week). Soon my virtual bookshelves will be larger than the ones in my house.

My Goodreads "to-reads" are gathered mostly from suggestions, but occasionally from ALA and TLA reading lists. I can see what Neil Gaiman is reading, and add books from my favorite surreal novelist. How cool is that - to live in a time where I can see what authors I enjoy are reading.

My reading plan currently includes mystery and suspense books. I'd love to hear your bookish suggestions, so feel free to click through my Goodreads widget on the right and send me a message or friend request.

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