Saturday, November 15, 2008

Being John Malkovich - Monroe - Thang No. 10

I decided to try an image generator using one of my drawings rather than a personal photo. First, here's how the original drawing looks. I took a photo of the drawing.

Photofunia has 2 kinds of image generators - one that uses "Face Technology" to match your image to the face (3-D), and one that takes your face and presses it flat. The Face technology one is truly creepy. It gives a new meaning to the phrase - I'm all ears...

A less sinister version is the Photofunia graffiti image generator, that rendered my drawing quite nicely.


loladimz said...

That Marilyn sure is looking a lot like Rorschach from The Watchmen

Julia said...

That is a creepy - and accurate - comparison. ;-)